Tuesday, January 31, 2012

10 Reasons Why Traveling to Tibet is a MUST - Listable Life

Still playing along with Nicole 

So here we go:
10 Reasons Why Traveling to Tibet is a Must

The shopping

We traveled to Tibet via Beijing.
The markets in Beijing are OUT OF CONTROL.
I would go back just to shop for gorgeous blinged out statues, fantastic fabrics and, of course, vintage cameras.

The Facilities
(or lack thereof)

These are pretty self explanatory.  
And if that second photo doesn't demonstrate what you are NOT
to do (do) in public restrooms, then click on the first photo and enlarge it.
And that is all.

The tea leaves

I didn't truly know what tea was until we drank the most delicious stuff on earth.
In the dining car/viewing car.
Chinese breakfast...that was something else entirely.

The Incense


You have NOT LIVED until you smell a yak butter candle.
You can skip the yak butter tea. Or live dangerously...
Seriously one of the most delicious smells I've ever smelled.
(the candles, that is)
And it gets sickening after a while.
But don't worry, every day, multiple times a day,
in the middle of Lhassa, they will light up the biggest incense burner you have ever seen.
And singe the smell of yak butter candles from your nostrils.

The Stylists


The shop owners are fantastic!
From the prayer flag ladies who will tend the jewelry shops and style you pretty,
to the little boys who come equipped w/comb to try to brush
that strange looking woman's (that is a woman right??) hair.

The Faith

Prayer wheels everywhere.  
The sounds of them spinning (wheels) and flapping (flags)
still rings in my ears.

The Architecture


The first photo is actually Nepal.
Which we exited through and was HIGHLY worth it.
The second photo is why you really go to Tibet.
Lhassa in particular. Potala Palace.

The Perspective



Americans are really tall.
And warm blooded.
And rich.
And, did I mention, tall?

The Unspoiled Beauty

On the plateau, you come across deep valleys,
farm land,
and spectacular peeks at that amazing peak.

It's Tibetan name is

Which our guide kept saying to me,
and I could not, for the life of me,
figure out what he was talking about.

Which was a bit unusual (he had impeccable English),
given that it was usually the driver that I totally could not understand.
Especially when he started chanting over the high altitude passes

When you are going over the passes, you are closer to God
 and he can hear your prayers more clearly. 
Clearly, that is why it was necessary to shout them at the top of your lungs. 
Which scared the pee out of me (maybe literally) the first time our driver did it.

The Paparazzi

Have you ever wondered 
what it was like to be Beyonce?
Maybe just for a day?

Well, in Beijing and then ESPECIALLY in Tibet,
I imagine I got a glimpse of that.

People couldn't figure out if I was a girl or a guy 
(upper bouyancy is the first thing to go when I'm in shape)
and not only did I have black girl hair,
I had WEIRD black girl hair.

And I'm black.
there have only been 4 black people in Tibet.
And because they don't really have much TV,
they don't even get to know my people via Cosby.

It was intimidating.
Which is why I have to go back.
I was so busy avoiding the cell phones 
and crowds that were dragged clear across city squares
to "meet" me,
that I completely missed out on experiencing some cool stuff.

The Bucket List


Is that wild or WHAT?!

Of course, I had to add to my postcard collection
and ended up sending lots of loved ones
postcards from the highest post office on earth.

I got into the best shape of my life
(and need to do it again).

I researched the cultural history of an area 
and then went and lived it.

We went to Tibet in April of 2007.
You can see more of our photos
and read our diary

It was truly the trip of a lifetime.
I hope to go back.
Once we have kids.


Linking up at the Listable Life Meme again.


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