Saturday, October 1, 2011

Project 1: Rock + Bowl + Flame ( 31 DIY Projects for Busy Gals)

31 minute project

You'll need:

Sakrete Quickset Concrete
a bunch of rocks (perhaps dug up from your yard)
a plastic bowl
a large canned good
chafing dish gel fuel pack
PAM cooking spray
plastic tub for mixing concrete
stick to stir concrete

You are going to create one of these
(which, FYI, Restoration Hardware doesn't sale anymore,
hence why we are making our own)

In pictures:

For the readers:
1. Measure out your concrete. I just filled my plastic bowl/mold with dry mix.
2. Dump mix in plastic mixing bin.

3. Add water; stir with stick.
Start with a puddle in the middle of dry mix.  Not too soupy, not too chunky
3b. Spray PAM all over your mold and canned good.

4. Pour concrete into mold.
4b. I poured halfway, then placed my large canned good in the center and continued filling around the can.
4c. After about 6 minutes, I rotated my can, wiggled side to side and popped it out.
PAM is awesome.

5. At the 17 minute mark, Cover top of mold with stack of newspaper.
Flip it over carefully; concrete form will slip right out.
Because...well, PAM is awesome.

6. and 7. Carefully and pleasingly place loose rocks along rim of concrete form.
8. and 9. Drop fire gel pack in center hole; light with long match and enjoy.

Fun ambiance for the whole family.

Check out what's to come with 31 DIY projects for Busy Gals by clicking the log above.

Linking up here:
DIY Under $15 @ A Little Tipsy
Tutorial Tuesday @ Hope Studios

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