We went back to our fave tree farm this year.
It was sad and we cried.
(we miss that awesome puppy Ashley who picked out the tree last year)
It was far away and so beautiful along the way.
I want to go back out and take more pictures.
I miss taking picture trips.
In the end, most of the trees were ridiculously out of control too big.
Even for our home.
But finally,
we spotted her
and no,
this wasn't her.
This one was it.
Not only did he get up under it
to properly take down the find,
he also used his charm and Boy Scout skills
to get her done
We did manage to get her home.
And in to the house.
We loaded her up with lights
And then my giant husband
had to get on an oversized stepstool
so that he could add the way too teeny tiny star
to the top
And that tiny star was about all that would fit
at the top of the tree
(which may or may not have had to have been trimmed so as not to brush the ceiling)
In the end,
during the day,
she's all white gold and red
with no flocking
And yes.9 out of 10 presents under the tree are for Merry.
She's just perfect like that.
Out. Of. Control.
More like it. ***
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