Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 71 Random Pinehurst

Hopeful but skeptical 
that my sunchokes will come back this big.
Didn't even know they were edible.
Here's REALLY hoping that my artichokes
(which ARE proving  perennial in my frosty yard)
actually grow up this year.


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  1. Oh my gosh! I love artichokes. And my new found love is artichokes in a sandwich! so so good! You should try it! Although, I don't know how to make artichoke hearts all yummy like they do... seems like it would be a lot of work ;)


    1. I love artichokes too! And I never knew growing them would be so tough. I went to my boss's house and she has a HUGE artichoke plant in her yard, I didn't even know that is what it was. I want the plant just for the pretty of it...I'm cool with still buying my edible chokes from the store - already marinated. One day I'll be THAT patient.



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